Library Media Center

Ernesto Serna Fine Arts Academy

Bulldog Nation Summer Reading Bingo Fun

Hello and welcome to the Ernesto Serna FAA library page! We have a large variety of physical books in the library that can entertain and inform students with a large range of interests. We also have a large collection of electronic books that can be accessed on Clever through Mackinvia and may be read or listened to on a phone, tablet or computer. Please stop by the library for assistance!

Most books are checked out for two weeks, and may be renewed.  Books that have not been turned back in or renewed after three months will automatically be put into a "Lost" status, and the full price of the missing book will be issued. If the student turns in the "Lost" book, this fine will be erased.

Most of our lower Elementary grades keep their library books in the classroom, and upper Elementary and Middle School students are allowed to take their books home. Kindergarteners and 1st graders are allowed to check out one book. 2nd grade and older are allowed to check out two books.

Parents are always welcome to come to the library with their students to allow them to check out up to three more books which they will be allowed to take home, regardless of their grade level.

Ernesto Serna Library

Laura Galindo, Librarian

Phone: (915) 937-4800


Follow me on X: @Lgal_ESernaFAA

Mike Sertuche, Library Aide

Phone: (915) 937-4800
