Career and Technical Education
Mission Statement
In collaboration with business/industry and post secondary, SISD will promote advanced skills for competitive wages in high-demand careers. All students will be provided opportunities to participate in a CTE Program of Study which will promote leadership, skills development and a seamless transition to post secondary education and/or work.
Provide opportunities for all students through rigorous Career and Technical Education Program.
Provide a quality academic counseling and career guidance program for all students.
Provide sustainable partnerships with business and industry for current or emerging occupations
Career and Technical Education is a vital component of the high school curriculum. For many students, it represents as much as a third of their high school experience. It is a critical component in meeting the needs of the students in academic achievement, career exploration, career preparation, and leadership development. Successful transition to post secondary education, work, and/or the military is on of the goals of SISD's educational system.
Achieve Texas
Achieve Texas is the initiative to combine rigorous academics with relevant career education so students begin the journey of their career early on. Socorro I.S.D. and the Career and Technical Education department have implemented the 16 career clusters recommended by Achieve Texas. Please click below to view the Achieve Texas Programs of Study (POS).